Beth Johnson, LMFT

I am glad you are here! I know how overwhelming it can be to ask for support and take these first steps towards healing. However, it is time that you get to start living in a way that is fulfilling and authentic to who YOU are and what you really want in life and that is exactly what I am here to help you do.

No matter where you are at in your healing, I am here to support you in your journey and guide you to a place of joy, self-compassion, and authenticity. Together we will work to quiet your inner critic and bring you to a place of inner peace as you move through the many transitions and challenges of life.

My Approach To Therapy

I provide individual counseling for adults who are ready to let go of the unhelpful behaviors and habits that are holding them back in life and start showing up in a way that is authentic to them.

I believe that therapy is a collaborative process and that together we can help you obtain the inner peace and self-compassion you have been missing lately.

As your therapist, I am here to help you access what is already within you: the blueprints and tools for healing, wisdom, survival, joy, possibility, and potential that can lead to positive change.

In terms of treatment approaches, I am trained in Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR), Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART), Developmental and Relational Trauma (DART), Mindfulness and Meditation, and Self-Compassion approaches.